Sunday, 13 May 2007

This is a comparison of what the points would be for the Curves diet i'm doing - this is very interesting cos I thought it would be way over points considering its mainly meat, cheese and eggs with a moderate amount of carbs.

Monday 7 May - 19 points
Tuesday 8 May - 16.5 points
Wednesday 9 May - 21 points
Thursday 10 May - 17 points
Friday 11 May - 18 points
Saturday 12 May - 17 points -
(extras I shouldn't have consumed - 3 points of alcohol and 4 points of McFlurry (may be conservative!!)
Sunday 13 May - 17 points

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Gym: 30 minutes
Water: I'm trying hard with this

Breakfast: 4.5 points
Cup of tea
Toast with Cottage cheese/peanut butter

Morning Tea: 2 points
Skinny cap
rice crackers

Lunch: 5 points
Lean Cuisine Lamb and couscous
Coke Zero

Afternoon tea: 2 points

Dinner: 6 points

Total: 19.5 points

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Gym: 30 minutes
Water: 1.5 litres

Breakfast: 6 points
Toast with cheese
cup of tea

Morning tea: 1 point
Lollies (oops)

Lunch: 4.5 points
WW Frozen Pepper Beef
Coke Zero

Afternoon tea: 1 point
Protein shake

Dinner: 6 points
Rissole, cheese, beetroot, tomato, sauce, bread

Supper: 3 points
WW cheesecake (looked better than it tasted - definitely not worth the points).

Total: 21.5 points

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Exercise: Gym 30 minutes
Water: Not much today - maybe 1 litre so far?

Breakfast: 6 points

2 x soy and linseed bread
5% philly

Morning tea: 1 point
Skinny cap

Lunch: 4.5 points

WW wrap
Coke Zero

Afternoon tea: 1.5 points

Rice crackers
Cottage cheese

Dinner: 6 points

Spag bol

Total: 19 points

Monday, 16 April 2007

Exercise: Gym 30 minutes
Water: 2 litres and counting (on my way to 3 litres)

Breakfast: 4.5 points
600 mls water
2 x soy and linseed toast
Baked Beans

Morning tea: 2 points
600 mls water
Skinny cap
10 x rice crackers

Lunch: 5 points
600 mls water
WW frozen spag bol with meatballs
Coke zero

Afternoon tea: 3 points
600 mls water
large Banana
Protein shake

Dinner: 6 points
600 mls water
Potato salad

Total: 20.5 points

Monday, 2 April 2007

Gym: 30 minutes
Water: Lacking - best drink some more right now.


Breakfast: 5 points
Cup of tea

Morning tea: 2 points
Skinny cap
1 small banana

Lunch: 4.5 points
New WW Satay Wrap
Pepsi light

Afternoon tea: 3 points
Rice cakes
Cottage cheese
Protein shake

Dinner: 5.5 points
Chicken and vegetables

Total: 20 points

Monday, 26 March 2007

Breakfast - 4 points
2 x soy & linseed bread
lite philly
Morning tea - 2 points
Skinny cap
small banana
Lunch - 2.5 points
WW Chicken cacciatore
Cup of tea
Afternoon tea - 3 points
Musachi protein shake
Pepsi light
Kiwi fruits x 4
Dinner - 6 points
Spag bol
Exercise: 30 minutes gym
Water: 1.2 litres and counting

Total points: 17.5